About the Trust

About the Trust

WISE Charitable Trust (Waitara Initiatives Supporting Employment) is a charitable trust based in Waitara, Taranaki, delivering initiatives that aim to reduce the effects of poverty and create employment opportunities for people that otherwise may find gaining employment challenging. These initiatives include Home Insulation, Healthy Home services, Landcare and Cleaning services, and The Junction re-use shop.

We also work in conjunction with community and government providers to recruit people that may otherwise find gaining employment challenging; this can include work experience, volunteering in our community initiatives and upskilling to provide better opportunities to gain long term meaningful employment.

When you choose WISE for your home insulationland care, or Healthy Home Initiatives services, you support your local community and help reduce hardship and poverty.

Our Mission

Influence and advocate through partnerships and collaborations to shape positive outcomes:

  1. Co-ordinate and provide sustainable employment and personal development opportunities for unemployment and unskilled people.
  2. Contribute to and participate in initiatives which provide and sustain healthy and safe homes, especially for those people on low deprivation with high health needs.
  3. Empowering whanau/families living in energy hardship within our region. 

Our Vision

The creation of sustainable employment opportunities in our communities.

Staff Testimonials

I have loved working for WISE, they helped me gain my drivers licence through the pathway program. I have learned amazing skills through others that work here. It is a great working environment.

E 🙂

WISE has given me great experience. I was struggling to find a job so when they called me in for an interview I knew this could be great for me. Working with the team has built life long friendships.


I have worked at WISE for almost a year now and I love all the initiatives they do. So many amazing community initiatives to be apart of. My favourite would 100% have to be the Pyjama Drive!


Want to Help?

Every donation helps us to support a local whanau.